Software Package Release Procedure

Whilst source code related to software artefacts are hosted on GitLab, the delivered runtime artefacts for the SKAO are maintained and curated in the Central Artefact Repository. It is here that they will navigate through the process of verification and testing with the aim of finally being promoted to a state ready for production release.

Artefacts that are candidates for promotion to the Central Artefact Repository will need to follow the ADR-25 - Software naming conventions, and must conform to the Definition of Done.

These conventions are designed to integrate with the leading packaging and deployment tools commonly available for each artefact type.

For intermediate artefacts, it is recommended that the built in packages (repository) features available in GitLab are used. These can be accessed directly in the GitLab CI/CD pipeline. Examples of these are given below for OCI Images, PyPi packages and Raw (Generic) artefacts.

Central Artefact Repository

The Central Artefact Repository provides the storage and library management facilities for artefacts throughout the Software Development Life Cycle.  Being central to the SDLC means that it is highly desirable that the Repository is stable, long lived, and can evolve with the SKAO requirements through the different stages of DevSecOps maturity, and the life time of the project.

An Artefact Repository is essentially a content management system for software artefacts delivered in their published form.  The Artefact Repository makes it possible to publish and retrieve the artefacts using the native tools, processes and protocols commonly associated with the related programming language and/or language based framework.  The Artefacts are versioned, and decorated with extensible metadata that is used to help manage the life cycle of the Artefacts.  The Central Artefact Repository provides APIs and reporting interfaces to provide integration into extended DevSecOps processes such as CI/CD, BoM and dependency management, license management, provenance, vulnerability scanning and release management.   It also provides controlled access to Artefacts through IAM, and offers notary features for provenance through TLS/SSL and signatures.

The purpose of the Central Artefact Repository within the context of the SKAO, is to provide a controlled single source of truth for all artefacts that enter the software delivery and verification processes through to the curation and maintenance of approved software artefacts available for production deployment and historical reference for the life time of the Observatory.  This means that the Central Artefact Repository not only holds the canonical reference versions of all artefacts within the SKAO landscape, but it also holds the stateful context of these artefacts as they progress through their continuous life-cycle from development to production deployment, to decommissioning.


The Central Artefact Repository plays a key role in regulating the flow of artefacts throughout the Software Development Life Cycle.  It is highly integrated into all the phases of software development, build, test, and publish.  In this position, it can ensure that only approved software artefacts are included in composite products, and subsequently delivered to the production environments.

Whilst it is important for the Repository to be highly available and performant in the context of the SDLC, it is not responsible for directly servicing the delivery of artefacts into the operational environments.  This will be manged by high speed delivery services and caches.

The repository is based on Nexus Repository Manager 3 deployed on an independent UK based hosting service.  The core deployment is nexus-oss-edition with the nexus-core-feature, nexus-cma-feature, nexus-oss-feature features enabled.

LDAP authentication has been integrated for SKAO administration purposes, with an additional minimal set of accounts managed for publishing artefacts.  All repositories are enable read-only for anonymous access.  Additionally, email has been integrated for handling task notifications.

Configured Repositories

The SKAO aims to maintain repositories with native interface support for the core languages and frameworks used for software development within the project.  This includes:

  • Docker (OCI Images)

  • Helm (Charts)

  • PyPi (Wheels/Source Distributions)

  • Conan (C/C++)

  • NPM (Node)

  • Maven (Java)

  • GitLFS (Large File Support)

  • Apt (Debian)

  • Yum (Fedora)

Additionally, there are also upsteam proxy/caching facilities available for:

Finally, there are repositories that utilise the Nexus Raw format to provide library space for the following:

  • Ansible

  • Raw objects (binary, text etc.)

  • RPM packages


To be declared as valid, an artefact must be decorated with a set of metadata which certify its origin. Since all the artefacts are published from gitlab pipelines, all the relevant information must be attached. Please ensure that the below information is included in the metadata:






















More information can be found on Predefined variables reference. Procedure for including those metadata is documented in Deploying Artefacts.


As part of the goal to align all developmental efforts to one standard, we have documented a procedure of how we would like all the SKAO developers to version their releases and what process to follow in ensuring that they are able to make use of the existing Gitlab CI/CD pipeline to automate the building of artefacts. This standard is defined in detail for each artefact type in ADR-25 - Software naming conventions. These convetions are fundamentally derived from the Sematic Versioning standard 2.0.0. In a nutshell, this follows a dotted numeric notation for Major.`Minor`.`Patch` eg: 1.2.3, but please check the above guidance for the details, and language specifics.

Artefact Naming

In addition to the semantic versioning scheme, when publishing artefacts to the repositories, the naming conventions for the artefact must be adhered to (also detailed in ADR-25 - Software naming conventions).  The general rules are:

  • Prefix the artefact with the namespace’d name of the GitLab repository that holds the source code

  • Name the artefact after it’s core function

  • Observe the Semantic Versioning standard for this kind of artefact

  • Do not use generic versions such as ‘latest’ tags for container images

  • Published artefacts are immutable - do not re-release an artefact version

  • Filters and cleanup policies are implemented to purge artefacts that do not adhere to standards, and where possible validation hooks will deny publishing of incorrectly named/versioned artefacts.  For instance images with the tag ‘latest’ will be trapped by a cleanup policy.

Artefact Validations

To ensure the guidelines and policies described in this Developer Portal are followed for a consistent, compliant and robust artefact management, there are series of automated validations in place. If an artefact fails the validations, then it is quarantined and the result of the validations are reported back to the developers in a newly created Merge Request. This Merge Request is assigned to the developer who triggered the pipeline job that pushed the artefact. The Merge Request title includes the name and version of the artefact and a table composed of the failed validations and instructions on how to mitigate them are given in the MR description.

Each validation has a brief description that explains what it does with a mitigation or explanation (depending on validation type). This gives detailed information about the artefact and how to fix the issue or provides further explaination of the findings.

All the information listed on this page is used in the artefact validation, i.e. All artefacts are validated against Artefact Naming, Versioning and Metadata and they are quarantined if they are not compliant.

Release Management

Templates for automating the release process

As part of the release notes publishing procedures developers should use a template job that uses changelogs to generate artefact releases. To use it, please include the below template job. The changelog generation process relies on the generate-changelog make target present in the makefile, this makefile is located in the ska-cicd-makefile project. This repo should be added as a submodule to your own project, with the following command:

git submodule add .make

It requires a script that generates changelog documentation using git-chglog and it is meant to be used in a Gitlab tag pipeline job as it depends on the pipelines variables to publish the release notes to a newly created tagged commit. A Jira ticket is added to the release notes to enable other teams to refer to the documentation related to process and implementation of git-changelog.

- project: 'ska-telescope/templates-repository'
  file : 'gitlab-ci/includes/release.gitlab-ci.yml'

Developers are strongly encouraged to use the default template to ensure that similar practices are followed in all SKA repositories, but if any departures from standard procedures are required the process can be customized using the following variables:

  • CHANGELOG_FILE - Used to specify the changelog file that is meant to keep the release notes for every release. Defaults to

  • CHANGELOG_VERSION - Used to change the default git-chglog version used. Defaults to 0.15.0.

  • CHANGELOG_CONFIG - Used to overwrite the git-chglog config file. Defaults to .make/.chglog/config.yml.

  • CHANGELOG_TEMPLATE - Used to overwrite the git-chglog template used to generate the changelog output. Defaults to .make/.chglog/

Release steps

After including the templates, the Release of a new artefact should be as follows:

  • 1st: Create a new issue on the Release Management Jira Project with a summary of your release, and set it to “IN PROGRESS”.

  • 2: Create and checkout a new rel-XXX-release-v-1-2-2 branch (where REL-XXX is your Jira issue.)

  • 3: Choose which bump version you want to use:

    • bump-major-release

    • bump-minor-release

    • bump-patch-release

    Run for example make bump-patch-release, if for example .release was 1.2.1 it will be moved to 1.2.2.

  • 4: If you have helm charts on your project, run make helm-set-release. This will set all charts to example 1.2.2 version.

  • 5: If you have python packages on your project, run make python-set-release. This will set pyproject.toml to example 1.2.2 version.

  • 6: Make any other manual changes that are necessary to bump the version. For example:

    • Updating the release variable in your docs/;

    • Updating your python package’s __version__ attribute;

    • Updating python tests that check the version;

    • Updating umbrella charts to use your new chart version;

    • Manually updating a human-readable CHANGELOG file.

  • 7: Push your branch, create a merge request, get it approved and merged.

  • 8: Checkout and pull the main branch.

  • 9: Run make git-create-tag, which will show the new version number.

    • 1.2.2

    • 1.2.2

  • 10: make git-push-tag

Note: This final step will push the release tag direct to the main branch, so this step can only be performed by a repository maintainer. It is possible instead to push the tag onto the REL-XXX branch immediately before it is merged. In this case, it is very important that the tag is pushed to the branch only after the MR has been approved and no further commits will be made to it.

Either way, once the tag has landed on the main branch, this will trigger a CI pipeline to publish the release. When the pipeline has completed, you can move your REL-XXX Jira issue to RELEASED.

Release results

After the tagged pipeline finishes, the new release generated with the git-chglog will be appended to the tag in the gitlab project, an example of the release notes can be seen here. And the Jira ticket (preferable one created on the Release Management Jira Project) that is present on the commit message that triggered the tag pipeline will be updated with links to the gitlab release page.

If you have had included the file gitlab-ci/includes/release.gitlab-ci.yml Marvin should also publish a message on this ` channel <>`_ annoucing the release.

Deploying Artefacts

While the Central Artefact Repository is available for anonymous browsing and pulling of artefacts, all artefacts must be published via the SKAO GitLab CI/CD infrastructure.  The GitLab Runner environment provides the credentials. These are specified in the full list of environment variables, with examples given below.

OCI Image

The OCI Image repository is located at .

Example: publish an OCI Image for the tango-cpp base image from ska-tango-images

# checkout
# Build and tag the image for a fictitious version 9.3.4 repo-prefix=ska-tango-images core-function=tango-cpp
docker build -t ${CAR_OCI_REGISTRY_HOST}/ska-tango-images/tango-cpp:9.3.4 .
# login to the registry
echo ${CAR_OCI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD} | docker login --username ${CAR_OCI_REGISTRY_USERNAME} --password-stdin ${CAR_OCI_REGISTRY_HOST}
# Push the image
docker push ${CAR_OCI_REGISTRY_HOST}/ska-tango-images/tango-cpp:9.3.4
This image has been published at

For an OCI image to be valid, metadata must be included as labels. Only the OCI image with tagged commits, signifying a change in the version of OCI image, will be pushed to CAR. For this, the “build_push.yml” placed in the templates-repository may be included in your .gitlab-ci.yml file for ease of use. The procedure for building and pushing to the repository is carried out by build_push.yml which can be taken from the gitlab templates-repository project in the following way:

# Ensure your .gitlab-ci.yml has "build" stage defined!
  - project: 'ska-telescope/templates-repository'
    file: 'gitlab-ci/includes/build_push.yml'

The variables used in the above job in templates repository are :

  • PROJECT: name of the OCI image; default: the folder name

  • DOCKER: the command used for operations on OCI image; default: docker

  • CAR_OCI_REGISTRY_HOST: the OCI registry; default:

  • DOCKER_BUILD_CONTEXT: the context of docker build; default: current directory

  • DOCKER_FILE_PATH: path of the dockerfile; default: path of the dockerfile of current directory

  • VERSION: version of the OCI image; default: the version in .release file

  • TAG: tag of the OCI image on OCI registry; default: version

Vulnerability Scanning of artefacts pushed to OCI Registry

The pipeline producing an OCI image artefact must include a scanning workflow to check that container for vulnerability and build the adequate reports. All OCI images pushed to the OCI registry are thus tested to check for that scanning workflow and, if it exists, trigger the default pipeline with scanning turned on to ensure that the default pipeline security dashboard is in sync with the last artefact that is published.

This vulnerability scanning check is made even for artefacts that are not fully validated, including those that are quarantined, as long as the adequate workflow exists in the pipeline and the artefact includes adequate Metadata. If any of those two conditions is not met a warning is produced in a channel monitored by the Systems Team.

Even if the artefact fails the vulnerability scanning by not having the adequate workflow in the pipeline that artefact will not be quarantined.

Using the GitLab OCI Registry

The GitLab OCI Registry is a useful service for storing intermediate images, that are required between job steps within a pipeline or between pipelines (eg: where base images are used and subsequent pipeline triggers). The OCI images generated during development activities are with untagged commits. These images will be tagged with version generated from combination of current version in .release file appended by short commit hash and will be stored in Gitlab at<<repository-name>>/container_registry. The following is an example of interacting with a project specific repository:

build and publish oci image for development: # Executed on non-tagged commit for Gitlab
    stage: build
      - k8srunner

Helm Chart

Helm Charts are published to the Central Artefact Repository in a native repository, however (at the time of writing) there is a move in the Cloud Native community to extend the storage of Charts to OCI compliant repositories. This support has been made available in `helm` and is supported by both Nexus and the GitLab Container Registry.

Package and publish Helm Charts to the SKAO Helm Chart Repository

The process of packaging and publishing Helm charts to the SKAO repository is very simple. A few lines are needed in the .gitlab-ci.yml file, and the project needs to have a charts directory under the root of the project, that contains all your project’s charts. If the charts folder is not under the project root, a line can be added in the CI job to first change to the directory containing this charts directory, however this is discouraged. For further information on best practices with regards to specifically the folder structure of charts, refer to The Chart Best Practices Guide, and also to our own set of Helm Best Practices.

As an example, let’s take the following project structure:

├── my-project
│   ├── charts
│   |   └── my-first-chart
│   |   └── my-second-chart
│   ├── .gitlab-ci.yml
│   └──

Refer to the Helm repository guide to understand how to package a chart, but to package and publish the two charts in the above example, simply add the following code to your .gitlab-ci.yml file and also ensure that your pipeline has a publish stage:

# uncomment and specify specific charts to publish
# variables:
#   CHARTS_TO_PUBLISH: my-first-chart my-second-chart

# Ensure your .gitlab-ci.yml has "publish" stage defined!
  - project: 'ska-telescope/templates-repository'
    file: 'gitlab-ci/includes/helm_publish.yml'

In case you only want to publish a sub-set of the charts in your project, you can uncomment the variable declaration lines (above) in the job specifying the CHARTS_TO_PUBLISH variable. Note that the list in the above example is redundant, since the default behaviour is to publish all the charts found in the charts/ folder, and in this case there are only those two charts.

The CI job that is included using the above lines of code takes care of packaging the chart in a temporary directory and pushes it to the SKAO repository. The job runs manually, which means that you need to trigger it on the Gitlab web UI in the CI/CD pipeline view. Note, triggering the job, you can specify the CHARTS_TO_PUBLISH variable before the job executes again, however, re-running this job in turn will not use the manual variable specification again and will result in an attempt to publish all the charts under the charts/ folder.

If no new versions of charts are found (i.e. if the version of the chart that you are trying to publish is already listed in the SKAO Helm repository), none will be uploaded. All the changes will be listed at the end of the CI Pipeline job.

Please note that the above job also includes the generation of the metadata information for the chart which will be included as a MANIFEST file in the root folder of the chart.


A chart has a version number and an appVersion. Updating only the appVersion number will not result in an update to the chart repository - if you want a new version of the application to be uploaded, you must update the chart version as well. Read more on the Helm documentation.

Working with a Helm Repository

Working with a Helm chart repository is well-documented on The Official Helm Chart Repository Guide.

Using the GitLab Registry for Helm Charts

Helm now has experimental (February, 2021) support for using OCI Registries as a Helm Chart Repository. This makes it possible to use GitLab as an intermediate store within CI/CD pipelines. The basic steps are:

  • enable OCI Registry

  • activate GPG support

  • login to registry

  • save chart (package)

  • push chart to registry


helm publish to gitlb registry:
  stage: build
    - docker-executor
    - curl | bash
    - echo "$CI_JOB_TOKEN $CI" | helm registry login -u $CI_JOB_USER $CI_REGISTRY
    - helm chart save charts/<chart>/ $CI_REGISTRY/<chart>:<semantic_version>
    - helm chart push $CI_REGISTRY/<chart>:<semantic_version>

Adding the SKAO repository

The Helm Chart index is here .  This consists of the hosted repository helm-internal and the upstream proxy of

In order to add the Helm chart repo to your local list of repositories, run

$ helm repo add skao

Search available charts in a repo

To browse through the repo to find the available charts, you can then say (if, for example, you decided to name the repo skatelescope), to see output similar to this:

$ helm search skatelescope
skatelescope/sdp-prototype    0.2.1           1.0             helm chart to deploy the SDP Prototype on Kubernetes
skatelescope/test-app         0.1.0           1.0             A Helm chart for Kubernetes
skatelescope/webjive          0.1.0           1.0             A Helm chart for deploying the WebJive on Kubernetes

To install the test-app, you call helm install the-app-i-want-to-test skatelescope/test-app to install it in the default namespace. Test this with kubectl get pods -n default.

Update the repo

Almost like a git fetch command, you can update your local repositories’ indexes by running

$ helm repo update

Note: this will update ALL your local repositories’ index files.

PyPi and Python Packaging

Creating a Version

A developer should make use of the git annotated tags to indicate that this current commit is to serve as a release. For example:

$ git tag -a "1.0.0" -m "Release 1.0.0. This is a patch release that resolves
  issue <JIRA issue>."

After that is complete, then the tag needs to be published to the origin:

$ git push origin <tag_name>


The format of the tag must observe semantic versioning eg: N.N.N

Minimum Metadata requirements

For proper Python packaging, the following metadata must be present in the repository:

  • Package name

  • Package version

  • Gitlab repo url

  • Description of the package

  • Classifiers

All of this should be specified in the module that lives in the project root directory, or the project.toml file if poetry is used for the build.

Additional metadata files that should be included in the root directory, are:

  • README.{md|rst} - A description of the package including installation steps

  • CHANGELOG.{md|rst} - A log of release versions and the changes in each version

  • LICENSE - A text file with the relevant license

Together with the above metadata a MANIFEST file must also be present in the whl file.

Building and Publishing Python Packages

The following command will be executed in order to build a wheel for a Python package:

$ python sdist bdist_wheel

This will form part of the CI pipeline job for the repository so that it can be build automatically. The developer should add this build step in their .gitlab-ci.yml file, for example:

# Ensure your .gitlab-ci.yml has "publish" stage defined!
  - project: 'ska-telescope/templates-repository'
    file: 'gitlab-ci/includes/python.gitlab-ci.yml'

This will build a Python wheel that can be published to the Central Artefact Repository (when a tag is available). The above job will also build a wheel on each commit and publish the wheel into the gitlab package repository of the project.

Publishing using poetry:

# with poetry and project.toml
  stage: publish
    - k8srunner
    - pip install poetry
    - poetry config virtualenvs.create false
    - poetry install --no-root
    - poetry config repositories.skao $CAR_PYPI_REPOSITORY_URL
    - poetry build
    - poetry publish -r skao
  when: on_success
      - tags
      # Confirm tag message exists
      - $CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE =~ /^.+$/
      # Confirm semantic versioning of tag
      - $CI_COMMIT_TAG =~ /^((([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)(?:-([0-9a-zA-Z-]+(?:\.[0-9a-zA-Z-]+)*))?)(?:\+([0-9a-zA-Z-]+(?:\.[0-9a-zA-Z-]+)*))?)$/

Publishing to the GitLab Project PyPi package repository:

# with poetry and project.toml
  stage: build
    - k8srunner
    - pip install poetry
    - poetry config virtualenvs.create false
    - poetry install --no-root
    - poetry config repositories.gitlab${CI_PROJECT_ID}/packages/pypi
    - poetry build
    - poetry publish -r gitlab

Vulnerability Scanning of Published Python Packages

When a Python package is published to the Central Artefact Repository it must be checked for vulnerabilities to ensure that no critical issues are included in the python dependencies.

This vulnerability scan, executed using gemnasium, will be included as part of the the default python pipeline . It will be executed in a customed docker container based on the image defined by the SKA_GEMNASIUM_IMAGE variable and it will target either the pyproject.toml or the requirements.txt file listing the package’s dependencies.

If a scanned python package is reported to have critical vulnerabilities it will be moved from the pypi-internal repository to the quarantine repository and a report mentioning the package where it has been identified as well as a suggested solution will be presented.

Installing a package from Nexus

The Python Package Index is located at .  A combined PyPi index of pypi-internal and is available from .

Packages for upload must follow the SKAO naming convention starting with ska- (ADR-25) and incorporating the semantic version number.  The following example shows the Python ska_logging class.

For developers who want to install a python package from the SKAO pypi registry hosted on Nexus, they should edit the project’s Pipfile to have the following section(s), for example:

url = ''
verify_ssl = true
name = 'skao'

'skaskeleton' = {version='*', index='skao'}

Installing a package from GitLab

The Python Package Index is located at  `https://__token__:${CI_JOB_TOKEN}${CI_PROJECT_ID}/packages/pypi/simple`. This can be configured in the `~/.pypirc` files as follows within the CI/CD pipeline:

index-servers = gitlab

repository =${env.CI_PROJECT_ID}/packages/pypi
username = gitlab-ci-token
password = ${env.CI_JOB_TOKEN}

Ansible Roles and Collections

Ansible roles and collections are held in a Raw format repository ansible-internal .  These are uploaded as individual files following the ADR-25 conventions of <repository>/<role/collection name> .

The following example is for common systems role collections:

  --upload-file ska_cicd_docker_base--0.4.0.tar.gz \


Raw artefacts are typically images, reports, data files and specific repositories that do not have direct functional support in Nexus (same as for Ansible roles and collections). These are hosted here raw-internal .  These artefacts should be packaged and labelled with metadata like any other artefact that gets published to the Central Artefact Repository. In order to support this, each Raw artefact (essentially a collection of one or more files, possibly spanning directories) must reside in a separate directory following the convention ./raw/<raw artefact suffix>/. When published, the raw artefact should have a manifest file added to it, and should be packaged as a tar.gz file with the name <gitlab-repository-slug>-<raw artefact suffix>-<semver version>.tar.gz.

Package and publish Raw artefacts to the SKAO Raw Repository

The process of packaging and publishing raw artefacts to the SKAO repository is relatively straight-forward. A few lines are needed in the .gitlab-ci.yml file, and the project needs to have a raw directory under the root of the project, that contains all your project’s raw packages.

As an example, let’s take the following project structure:

├── my-project
│   ├── raw
│   |   └── ska-first-chart
│   |   └── ska-second-chart
│   ├── .gitlab-ci.yml
│   ├──
│   ├── Makefile
|   └── .release

To simply package and code your raw packages, you migrate to use the Makefile templates and Gitlab Templates. Basically by adding the ska-cicd-makefile repo as a submodule with the following command:

$ git submodule add .make

And adding to your root Makefile, the following:

# include RAW packages support
include .make/

This will include the make target present in the .make/ file. The targets are:

  • raw-package-all: Package all version to a tar.gz format and add a file with the required metadata, and saves them into build/raw folder

  • raw-publish-all: Publish all raw packages that are under build/raw folder to CAR

  • raw-package: Package folder under the RAW_PKG var

  • raw-publish: Publish raw package in build/raw folder with the value name of RAW_PKG var

For more informations about the raw targets, you can run

$ make long-help raw

and this will show all the information about the targets and variables from the file.

To add steps for packaging and publishing raw packages to your pipeline you just need to add the following to your gitlab-ci.yaml:


- build
- publish

# Raw
- project: 'ska-telescope/templates-repository'
  file: 'gitlab-ci/includes/raw.gitlab-ci.yml'

And this will add both jobs to your pipeline. The build job will package all raw packages under raw/ folder and save them on the gitlab artefacts under the folder build/raw. The publish job that only runs on Tagged Commits will publish the raw packages present on the gitlab artefact build/raw folder to CAR.

Validation Checks (Marvin)

After the raw artefact is published to the nexus repository raw-internal  Marvin will run multiple checks to find out if the artefact is a valid one. For the artefact to be valid:

  • Artefact name should be compliant. The folders inside raw/ should have a adr-25 compliant name.

  • Artefact Version should be compliant. The .release file should have a release version compliant with semantic versioning.

  • Artefact should have a file with the required metadata inside.

If any of these checks fail the artefact will be moved to a quarantined status to the repository raw-qurantine


RPM artefacts are typically packages for RedHat-based operating systems that do not have direct functional support in Nexus (same as for Ansible roles and collections). These are hosted here rpm-internal .  These artefacts should be packaged and labelled with metadata like any other artefact that gets published to the Central Artefact Repository. In order to support this, a CMakeLists.txt file must be present in the project’s root folder that uses CPack to generate the RPM artefact. When published, the RPM artefact will have the manifest metadata added to its description, and should be packaged with the name <gitlab-repository-slug>-<rpm artefact suffix>-<semver version>.rpm.

Package and publish RPM artefacts to the SKAO RPM Repository

The process of packaging and publishing RPM artefacts to the SKAO repository is relatively simple provided CMake is used. A few lines are needed in the .gitlab-ci.yml file, and the project needs to have a src directory under the root of the project, that contains all your project’s source code.

As an example, let’s take the following project structure:

├── my-project
│   ├── src
│   ├── .gitlab-ci.yml
│   ├── CMakeLists.txt
│   ├──
│   ├── Makefile
|   └── .release

To simply package and code your RPM packages, you migrate to use the Makefile templates and Gitlab Templates. Basically by adding the ska-cicd-makefile repo as a submodule with the following command:

$ git submodule add .make

And adding to your root Makefile, the following:

# include RPM packages support
include .make/

This will include the make target present in the .make/ file. The targets are:

  • rpm-package: Package the source folder using cmake (which should output an RPM artefact), add the metadata to the RPM description, and save the package into the build/rpm folder by default

  • rpm-publish: Publish RPM package in build/rpm folder

For more information about the rpm targets, you can run

$ make long-help rpm

and this will show all the information about the targets and variables from the file.

To add steps for packaging and publishing RPM packages to your pipeline you just need to add the following to your gitlab-ci.yaml:


- build
- publish

- project: 'ska-telescope/templates-repository'
  file: 'gitlab-ci/includes/rpm.gitlab-ci.yml'

And this will add both jobs to your pipeline. The build job will package all RPM packages using the CMakeLists.txt file and save them on the gitlab artefacts under the folder build/rpm by default. The publish job that only runs on Tagged Commits will publish the RPM packages present on the gitlab artefact build/rpm folder to CAR.

The cmake command can also be customized. The environment variable ADDITIONAL_CMAKE_PARAMS can be set and is passed to cmake during packaging.

Since additional metadata is required to be present on the RPM in order to be possible to validate it, the file that is automatically generated is added to the RPM description. Furthermore, the VERSION environment variable is passed to cmake and should be used when naming the package file. This can be done using the following directives in the CMakeLists.txt:

# -- generic package settings

Installing RPM packages from Nexus

For developers who want to install a rpm package from the SKAO rpm registry hosted on Nexus, they need first to import the configuration. The process is slightly different if using dnf (like in modern Fedora systems) or yum (most CentOS).

If using dnf:

$ sudo dnf install 'dnf-command(config-manager)'
$ sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo

Check if SKAO is part of the enabled repositories:

$ dnf repolist
repo id                                     repo name
appstream                                   CentOS Linux 8 - AppStream
artefact.skao.int_repository_rpm-internal   created by dnf config-manager from
baseos                                      CentOS Linux 8 - BaseOS
extras                                      CentOS Linux 8 - Extras

To see the list of packages we have in that registry:

$ dnf repository-packages artefact.skao.int_repository_rpm-internal list
Available Packages
rabbit.x86_64      0.1.1-1         artefact.skao.int_repository_rpm-internal

The package can then be installed doing:

$ sudo dnf install rabbit


If trying to run yum from a CentOS OCI image Yum installs may fail due to issues with mirror lists. The following commands should solve the issue:

$ sed -i ‘s/mirrorlist/#mirrorlist/g’ /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-*

$ sed -i ‘s|#baseurl=|baseurl=|g’ /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-*

If using Yum it is possible that yum-config-manager might need to be installed:

$ sudo yum install yum-config-manager

Older versions of some operating systems may require instead:

$ sudo yum install yum-utils

Enabling the repository is done with:

$ sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo

For the more recent OS versions yum should accept the same options used for dnf above to list and install packages. For older OS versions checking the list of packages in the registry can be done with:

$ yum --disablerepo="*" --enablerepo=artefact.skao.int_repository_rpm-internal list available
Available Packages
rabbit.x86_64      0.1.1-1         artefact.skao.int_repository_rpm-internal


Conan artefacts are typically C and C++ packages and manage any number of different binaries for different build configurations, including different architectures, compilers, compiler versions, runtimes, C++ standard library, etc. These are hosted in the conan-internal repository in the Central Artefact Repository. These artefacts should be packaged and labelled with metadata like any other artefact that gets published to the CAR. In order to support this, each Conan artefact (essentially a collection of one or more files, possibly spanning directories) must reside in a separate directory following the convention ./conan/<conan artefact suffix>/. To add the required metadata to your conan package you should first generate a file with all the metadata required in it and pass it to the package while building, just by adding the following command to your

def package(self):
  # Copy headers to the include folder and libraries to the lib folder
  self.copy("", src="src")

Package and publish Conan artefacts to the SKAO Conan Repository

The process of packaging and publishing conan artefacts to the SKAO repository is relatively straight-forward. A few lines are needed in the .gitlab-ci.yml file, and the project needs to have a conan directory under the root of the project, that contains all your project’s conan packages.

As an example, let’s take the following project structure:

├── my-project
│   ├── conan
│   |   └── ska-first-package
│   |   └── ska-second-package
│   ├── .gitlab-ci.yml
│   ├──
│   ├── Makefile
|   └── .release

To simply package and code your conan packages, you migrate to use the Makefile templates and Gitlab Templates. Basically by adding the ska-cicd-makefile repo as a submodule with the following command:

$ git submodule add .make

And adding to your root Makefile, the following:

# include CONAN packages support
include .make/

This will include the make target present in the .make/ file. The targets are:

  • conan-package-all: Package all version and add a file with the required metadata, and saves them into build/conan folder

  • conan-publish-all: Publish all conan packages that are under build/conan folder to CAR

  • conan-package: Package folder under the CONAN_PKG var

  • conan-publish: Publish conan package in build/conan folder with the value name of CONAN_PKG var

For this templates to work you need to add the copy Manifest line described above to your The Default channel is stable and it is set in the makefile with the variable CONAN_CHANNEL and the default User will be Marvin also set in the with the variable CONAN_USER. This variable can be overriden in the root MAKEFILE.

For more informations about the conan targets, you can run

$ make long-help conan

and this will show all the information about the targets and variables from the file.

To add steps for packaging and publishing conan packages to your pipeline you just need to add the following to your gitlab-ci.yaml:


- build
- publish

# Conan
- project: 'ska-telescope/templates-repository'
  file: 'gitlab-ci/includes/conan.gitlab-ci.yml'

And this will add both jobs to your pipeline. The build job will build all conan packages under conan/ folder and save them on the gitlab artefacts under the folder build/.conan. The publish job that only runs on Tagged Commits will publish the conan packages present on the gitlab artefact build/.conan folder to CAR.

APT (Debian)

Debian and systems based on it, like Ubuntu, use the same package management system. APT (Advanced Package Tool) is a set of tools for managing Debian packages, and therefore the applications installed on your Debian system. It provides a wide set of operations like searching repositories, installing packages with their dependencies, and managing upgrades.

Injecting Metadata

All Debian packages have a Control File that contains metadata describing the package and that must be present to push to the SKAO APT Repository.

To see the current metadata from a package :

dpkg-deb --info <package>

Packages published in SKAO APT Repository should also have the required metada .

To add/edit metadata, from a existing package, first extract the files installed by the binary package:

dpkg-deb -x mypackage.deb mypackage

Next extract the package metadata:

dpkg-deb -e mypackage.deb mypackage/DEBIAN

At this point edit the control files in mypackage/DEBIAN. Finally, create the modified package:

dpkg-deb -b mypackage mypackage-new.deb

Publish debian artefacts to the SKAO APT Repository

curl -u ${CAR_APT_USERNAME}:${CAR_APT_PASSWORD} -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" --data-binary "@./${PACKAGE-NAME}.deb" ""

Configure the Apt client


sudo apt update
sudo apt install gpg

To configure the Apt client to work with Nexus Repository Manager edit the file “/etc/apt/sources.list”. Add the following line if you want to add the repository to the list, or replace the content of the file if you’re going to use only this repository:

deb bionic main

Then you need to add the apt repository public key:

cat <public.key> | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/<public_key>.gpg  >/dev/null

# or you can download the key first

curl -sL https://.../public.key | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/<public_key>.gpg  >/dev/null

Update apt and check if the repository updates without errors:

sudo apt update

Then to install the package just run:

sudo apt install <package-name>