Below can be found the command line interface, usage and command line argument description, of the three main RFI simulation scripts and any additional relevant scripts.

Pycraf Python script

Calculate RFI propagation

usage: [-h] [--transmitters TRANSMITTERS]
                                  [--set_freq SET_FREQ] [--freq FREQ]
                                  [--set_bandwidth SET_BANDWIDTH]
                                  [--bandwidth BANDWIDTH]
                                  [--n_channels N_CHANNELS]
                                  [--frequency_range FREQUENCY_RANGE FREQUENCY_RANGE]
                                  [--az_calc AZ_CALC] [--trans_out TRANS_OUT]
                                  [--non_below_el NON_BELOW_EL]
                                  [--srtm_directory SRTM_DIRECTORY]
                                  [--antenna_file ANTENNA_FILE] [--rmax RMAX]
                                  [--station_skip STATION_SKIP]
                                  [--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR]
                                  [--array_centre ARRAY_CENTRE]
                                  [--plot_attenuation PLOT_ATTENUATION]
                                  [--n_time_chunks N_TIME_CHUNKS]
                                  [--frequency_variable FREQUENCY_VARIABLE]
                                  [--time_variable TIME_VARIABLE]
                                  [--omega OMEGA] [--temperature TEMPERATURE]
                                  [--pressure PRESSURE]
                                  [--timepercent TIMEPERCENT]
                                  [--height_rg HEIGHT_RG] [--diam DIAM]
                                  [--zones ZONES] [--hprof_step HPROF_STEP]

Named Arguments


Location of input csv file containing transmitter properties.


Choose the central frequency with –freq, otherwise read it from the csv file


Central frequency (MHz)


Choose the bandwidth with –bandwidth, otherwise read it from the csv file


Bandwidth (MHz)


Number of frequency channels. (Must match nchannels_per_chunk for RFI simulation run)


Frequency range (MHz)


Calculate and output the Az/El of the transmitter


Name of output transmitter list. File-type not required. If ‘infile’ will supplement the input name of the input transmitter file. If not full path, it will be written to output_dir directory.


If transmitter elevation to array centre < 0 deg, remove from list and do not simulate.


Directory for the SRTM files required by pycraf for terrain information.


Location of text files with antenna locations


Maximum distance of station from centre (m)


Decimate stations by this factor


Default directory to write attenuation outputs


List containing name, latitude (degs), longitude (degs) for the SKA Low array centre


Output plot of attenuation values for each transmitter at the array centre.


Number of time samples to simulate. (Same as the RASCIL-based part’s –nintegrations_per_chunk arg.)


Simulate frequency-variable RFI signal?


Simulate time-variable RFI signal?


Fraction of path over sea. See pycraf documentation.


Assumed temperature (K). See pycraf documentation.


Assumed pressure (hPa). See pycraf documentation.


Time percent. See pycraf documentation and P.452 report.


Assumed height of receiver above ground (m). See pycraf documentation.


Assumed diameter of transmitter (m). See pycraf documentation.


List of clutter types for transmitter and receiver, default is unknown. See pycraf documentation.


Distance resolution of the calculated solution. See pycraf documentation.

OSKAR Python script

Calculate beam gain for SKA1-Low

usage: [-h] [--ra RA] [--declination DECLINATION]
                                   [--indir INDIR] [--outdir OUTDIR]
                                   [--oskar_path OSKAR_PATH]
                                   [--telescope_path TELESCOPE_PATH]
                                   [--input_hdf_file INPUT_HDF_FILE]
                                   [--transmitters TRANSMITTERS]
                                   [--set_freq SET_FREQ] [--freq FREQ]
                                   [--set_bandwidth SET_BANDWIDTH]
                                   [--bandwidth BANDWIDTH]
                                   [--N_channels N_CHANNELS]
                                   [--frequency_range FREQUENCY_RANGE FREQUENCY_RANGE]
                                   [--choose_range CHOOSE_RANGE]
                                   [--beam_gain_out BEAM_GAIN_OUT]

Named Arguments


Right Ascension (deg)




Directory where transmitter Az_El or HDF5 files are stored


Directory to store results


Path to the singularity SIF file for OSKAR


Path to telescope model directory


HDF5 file located in –indir, which contains necessary coordinate information for each RFI source.If not specified, use individual az/el and transmitter files located in –indir.


CSV file containing transmitter properties; not used with HFD data


Choose the central frequency with –freq, otherwise read it from the CSV file;not used when input is an HDF5 file.


Central frequency (MHz); not used when input is an HDF5 file.


Choose the bandwidth with –bandwidth, otherwise read it from the CSV file; not used when input is an HDF5 file.


Bandwidth (MHz); not used when input is an HDF5 file.


Number of frequency channels (must match nchannels_per_chunk for RFI simulation run); not used when input is an HDF5 file.


Frequency range (MHz); not used when input is an HDF5 file.


use channels over full frequency range given. If False, default to only over specified bandwidth. If full frequency range larger than bandwidth number of output channels will be those within the bandwidth only. Not used when input is an HDF5 file.


Starting name of output beam gain file for each transmitter. Directory and file-type not required. Not used when input is an HDF5 file.

RASCIL Python script

Simulate RFI data with RASCIL

usage: [-h] [--seed SEED]
                                                  [--noise NOISE] [--ra RA]
                                                  [--declination DECLINATION]
                                                  [--nchannels_per_chunk NCHANNELS_PER_CHUNK]
                                                  [--channel_average CHANNEL_AVERAGE]
                                                  [--frequency_range FREQUENCY_RANGE FREQUENCY_RANGE]
                                                  [--time_average TIME_AVERAGE]
                                                  [--integration_time INTEGRATION_TIME]
                                                  [--time_range TIME_RANGE TIME_RANGE]
                                                  [--input_file INPUT_FILE]
                                                  [--use_beamgain USE_BEAMGAIN]
                                                  [--beamgain_hdf_file BEAMGAIN_HDF_FILE]
                                                  [--beamgain_dir BEAMGAIN_DIR]
                                                  [--use_antfile USE_ANTFILE]
                                                  [--antenna_file ANTENNA_FILE]
                                                  [--write_ms WRITE_MS]
                                                  [--msout MSOUT]
                                                  [--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR]
                                                  [--use_dask USE_DASK]

Named Arguments


Random number seed


Add random noise to the visibility samples?


Right Ascension (degrees)


Declination (degrees)


Number of channels in a chunk


Number of channels in a chunk to average


Frequency range (Hz)


Number of integrations in a chunk to average


Integration time (s)


Hourangle range (hours)


Full path to the HDF5 file, which contains necessary RFI information for each RFI source.


Use beam gain values in calculation


HDF5 file with beam gain, transmitter, frequency, and pointing (RA, DEC) information.


Folder containing multiple Numpy files or the HDF file with beam gain information.


Use the antenna file in the rfi data in calculation, otherwise use from RASCIL


txt file containing antenna locations


Write measurement set?


Name for MeasurementSet


Output directory for storing files


Use dask to distribute processing?

Power Spectrum Python script

Display power spectrum of image

usage: [-h] [--image IMAGE]
                         [--signal_channel SIGNAL_CHANNEL]
                         [--noise_channel NOISE_CHANNEL]
                         [--resolution RESOLUTION]

Named Arguments


Image name


Channel containing both signal and noise


Channel containing noise only


Resolution in radians needed for conversion to K

RFI Interface

Usage: tv_antenna --transmitters=<transmitter-csv> [<n_channels> <freq_start> <freq_end>] aircraft (-h | --help)

    # if tv_antenna
    --transmitters=<transmitter-csv>      Location of input CSV file containing TV transmitter properties

    -h --help           Show this screen.

    # if any of the following is provided, all three has to be provided as a CLI argument
    <n_channels>        Number of frequency channels. Default: 3
    <freq_start>        Start of Frequency range [MHz]. Default: 170.5
    <freq_end>          End of Frequency range [MHz]. Default: 184.5